The Category is… Mother Realness!

Latino Equality Alliance
4 min readMay 4, 2021

May Newsletter

Mitera, madre, ina, mae, and makuahine all mean the same thing but in different languages. The english translation of all these words is Mother. This month let’s take the time to thank our mothers and mother figures in our life. The ones that accept us for being gay, non-binary, trans or lesbian. Remember that you can celebrate your biological mother, your drag mother, or that motherly friend in your life. Let’s say it loud and proud for the people in the back, “We love you mom!” Below you’ll get gift ideas for your mom, a great local flower shop to use, and a review on the show Pose. Also, don’t forget to listen to our Spotify playlist to highlight powerful women and words.

Gift Ideas for your mothers and mother figures

Finding the perfect gift for your mom can be hard, so we’re here to help! Sometimes just a simple gift and telling your mom that you love her is enough. Here are some ideas that are cute and sure to make her smile.

Concha PANtuflas

This website is full of cute little Mexican-inspired gifts!

Mother’s Day Candle (Target)

For all of my last-minute shoppers, a simple candle from Target is a safe choice.

Matching Pajama Set (Target)

Pajamas are another cute and cozy option that’s easy!

Floral Phone Case (Amazon)

Sometimes the best gifts are functional! Think about something your mom has been needing and make sure she knows that you pay attention to what she actually wants.

This Months Beats

“Empowerment Realness”

Featured Artist: Lizzo

Song: Good as hell

About Song/Artist: Lizzo is a queen of empowerment! Body positivity, not letting your dumb ex waste your time, and just feeling good period. We wanted this month’s playlist to be about strong female figures and Lizzo definitely fits that title. Next time you’re feeling down, blast some Lizzo and remember how it feels to look good as hell.

Mark your calendars!

Every Friday — Pride Pantry Sign up here!

Sun. May 9th — Mothers Day

Mon. May 17th — International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

Thurs. May 20th — Scholarship Awards

Mon. May 24th- Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

Mon. May 31st- Memorial Day

Sat. June 5th — City Clean-up, Sign-up Here

Local L.A Business

Name: Whit Hazen


Instagram: @whit_hazen

Whit Hazen is a boutique that specializes in making beautiful floral designs. It is run by Whit McClure, a social justice advocate. After college, she worked in the nonprofit sector teaching people how to grow their own food, and eventually found her calling in crafting beauty for the community. Her floral arrangements and installations are uniquely alluring. Her studio uses its signature colorful style and uses the season’s best blooms. This floral studio would be a great place to get Mother’s Day flowers. However, act quickly! Orders must be placed by May 6th to be ready for the weekend. Your mom will be in shock with this gift! Check her website and Instagram to see Whit McClure’s work.

Show Review: Pose

The category is… House mother realness! The show Pose highlights the most stressful, raw, and beautiful gay and trans people of color living in New York in the ’80s. This show is a work of art! The full 2 seasons are on Netflix and season 3 is coming up on FX. Pose highlights the moments in life that many LGBTQ+ people face like rejection. However, the trans character Blanca becomes a “house mother” and takes in these young queer and trans folk, and creates their own family to lean on. I won’t tell you more than you need to know but the stories are deep and touch on subjects like prostitution, AID’s and social injustice. Mother figures come in all different shapes and sizes and this show is a great reminder of that. Tune in and get to watchin’!


Latino Equality Alliance

The mission of Latino Equality Alliance (LEA) is to advocate for equity, safety, and wellness for the Latinx Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + community.



Latino Equality Alliance

The mission of Latino Equality Alliance (LEA) is to advocate for equity, safety, and wellness for the Latinx Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + commun